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Booty Call

  • April 21st, 2011 by Pastor Darryl Curtis   |  3 Comments
Booty Call While keeping up on current events, I have come to the conclusion that a lot of young people these days don’t understand “The Game” between men and women, and although Genesis 38 gives a description of “The Game”, I thought that it might be more effective to update the explanation and put it in [...]
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Why Women have a Hard Time getting Married

  • January 19th, 2011 by Pastor Darryl Curtis   |  1 Comment
Let’s think about the Biblical concept of marriage for a minute: God tells us, in Genesis 2:18, 20–24: 18 And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” 20 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast [...]
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Fathers, protect your daughters and train your sons-in-law

  • March 24th, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis   |  0 Comments
This is an excerpt from my sermon of 3/21/10. You can read or listen to the entire sermon at http://www.familylifebc.com/media/launch.php?mid=2E79W1PY4I4PS81Q59T3S13K Ephesians 6:4: 4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. And young men count on older men to be leaders. A father that lived [...]
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How to make love grow stronger

  • March 1st, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis   |  1 Comment
This blog entry is answering a question about my fourteenth sermon on the Biblical Design of Gender that Renee asked me, which was: “People want all this luvyduby stuff without the cost of conflict, but if you can come through the conflict, the love can and will grow stronger. Of course it has to be [...]
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The Remedy for Abortion, Part 2

  • January 12th, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis   |  0 Comments
In my last blog on the subject of abortion, I tried to make the point that the only people that have control over the abortion rate in the Black community are those people actually having the abortions. Legally, a child’s father has no control over the decision of the woman that he impregnated as to [...]
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Whose Fault Is It?

  • December 15th, 2009 by Pastor Darryl Curtis   |  0 Comments
            My wife Marie and I took up ballroom dancing in 2008. We’ve learned a few moves, and we go out to dance at the various clubs and dance venues in Lansing and the surrounding area. Often, in my sermons, I talk about the inequity between men and women at the dances. Since I only [...]
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How to Stay Married (for men)

  • September 27th, 2009 by Pastor Darryl Curtis   |  0 Comments
            In this generation, the foundation of marriage is the wedding. This is true because a wedding gives a woman the maximum chance to get the attention of her relatives and peers. She is the queen for the day, people buy her presents, people tell her how beautiful she is because she gets to wear [...]
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Marriage is Honorable in All

In a group counseling session, a woman spent a great deal of time beating herself up for getting pregnant outside of wedlock twice and putting the two children up for adoption. She knew that she did not have the ability to provide for the children that she brought into the world. She felt that she [...]
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