- January 19th, 2011 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 1 Comment
Let’s think about the Biblical concept of marriage for a minute:
God tells us, in Genesis 2:18, 20–24:
18 And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
20 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast [...]
- April 29th, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 1 Comment
An application of the Golden Rule is called the Thirty-Day Plan. The Thirty-Day plan came about from the fact that the questioner and their spouse became “enemies” when they disagreed about something and each wanted their way.
The Counselor advised the questioner to try the “Thirty-Day Plan”, which was to spend thirty days going along with [...]
- April 12th, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 2 Comments
A certain woman had a favorite author. The author wrote a new book, and the woman found out that the author was coming to her town to participate in a book signing at the local Walmart. The book signing was from 7 to 10pm. Her husband usually got home from work about 6:30, and her [...]
- March 1st, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 1 Comment
This blog entry is answering a question about my fourteenth sermon on the Biblical Design of Gender that Renee asked me, which was: “People want all this luvyduby stuff without the cost of conflict, but if you can come through the conflict, the love can and will grow stronger. Of course it has to be [...]
- February 18th, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 1 Comment
If you have any questions, comments or criticisms on this or any other topic, please feel free to let me know. It is easier for me to pick topics if I have your feedback. Thanks again for reading. I hope that you find a blessing here, and may the Lord be with you.
In [...]
- January 6th, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 1 Comment
If you have any questions, comments or criticisms on this or any other topic, please feel free to let me know. It is easier for me to pick topics if I have your feedback. Thanks again for reading. I hope that this blesses your relationships, and may the Lord be with you.
A couple of blog [...]
- January 4th, 2010 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 0 Comments
If you have any questions, comments or criticisms on this or any other topic, please feel free to let me know. It is easier for me to pick topics if I have your feedback. Thanks again for reading. I hope that this blesses your relationships, and may the Lord be with you.
I spent the [...]
- December 21st, 2009 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 0 Comments
In my sermon of 12/20/2009, I related the contents of a discussion that I had with a female college student. During the discussion, I used the term “soul mate” a couple of times. The quote reads as follows:
“Well”, I inquired, “since you came to college to date [young men], do you have [...]
- December 15th, 2009 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 0 Comments
My wife Marie and I took up ballroom dancing in 2008. We’ve learned a few moves, and we go out to dance at the various clubs and dance venues in Lansing and the surrounding area. Often, in my sermons, I talk about the inequity between men and women at the dances. Since I only [...]
- September 27th, 2009 by Pastor Darryl Curtis | 0 Comments
In this generation, the foundation of marriage is the wedding. This is true because a wedding gives a woman the maximum chance to get the attention of her relatives and peers. She is the queen for the day, people buy her presents, people tell her how beautiful she is because she gets to wear [...]