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Booty Call

  • April 21st, 2011 by Pastor Darryl Curtis   |  3 Comments

Booty Call

While keeping up on current events, I have come to the conclusion that a lot of young people these days don’t understand “The Game” between men and women, and although Genesis 38 gives a description of “The Game”, I thought that it might be more effective to update the explanation and put it in secular terms. So here goes…

You know, single men used to have this sex out of wedlock situation under control. There were women that would accommodate a single man that wanted to have casual sex with no commitment. (See Genesis 38:15-23) Those women were known as prostitutes, harlots, or whores.

A whore provided a turnkey service; she provided the shield (condom) to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, she took care of her own birth control in case of a shield malfunction and she took responsibility for any problems she might have after the act.

A whore provided a turnkey service for which she was paid, just like Burger King. You don’t take utensils or napkins when you go to Burger King because Burger King provides those things.

Of course, when a single man reached the point of maturity in which he was ready to get married and have a family, he was not interested in a whore. (See Genesis 38:24)

At that point, the young man looked for a young woman that was a virgin, because she was going to actually belong to the young man for the rest of his life, and he wanted a wife that was just his, not someone who had been around the block a few times.

And it is a well-known fact that you can’t turn a whore into a housewife.

But the problem in this generation is that young whores don’t actually understand how the game is played (or how the situation is supposed to function). That’s why Maury Povich is still making programs…

First of all, a young whore should know that she should demand payment for her services up front, because she is going to have expenses as a function of her whoredom. (See Genesis 38:16-18)

She is going to need birth control and medical checkups. Not only that, but she is going to have a lot of expenses if she gets pregnant, because, when a young whore gets pregnant, the man does not want to hear from her. (See Genesis 38:24)

Burger King doesn’t call customers on the telephone once they have left the restaurant to ask them to pay the mortgage on the building.

And nothing could be more ridiculous than an unpaid whore expecting a young man to “step up to the plate”. What plate?

When I go to Burger King, I don’t want to buy the place. I just want a hamburger.

The guy that had sex with you didn’t actually want you; he just wanted to have a sexual orgasm inside of a woman. Any woman would do; you just happened to be the whore available. You may have been the most attractive whore in the room at the time, but don’t take that’s as a compliment. There are a lot of rooms…….

As far as the young man is concerned, a whore is a businesswoman, and an unpaid whore is not even a real good businesswoman, because she doesn’t even have sense enough to get her money up front.

So why on earth would the guy “step up to the plate” with an unpaid whore when she gets pregnant? Did he ask her for a baby? Of course not. He asked her for sex, not for a baby.

Just like buying a hamburger at Burger King, whorish sex is a cash and carry transaction; the young man does not want to see a bill later from Burger King or from a whore…

The whore is the one providing the service; the risk and responsibility for whatever happens after the sex act are hers. If someone slips and falls outside of Burger King, they don’t sue me because I was a customer…they sue the one providing the service……

And, unpaid whores, please don’t be surprised or disappointed when the young man with whom you slept, and may even have become pregnant, marries someone else.

It is intuitively obvious that he is going to marry someone else.  As I said before, it is a well known fact that you can’t turn a whore into a housewife. (See Genesis 38:26)

And just look at it from his point of view.

If you’ll have sex with him although you are not married to him, wouldn’t you also have sex with some other guy to whom you are not married? So then, why would he marry you? Just to be screwed around on later?

And that’s why you can’t turn a whore into a housewife. Any woman that would sleep with a man to whom she is not married would sleep with any of us (figuratively speaking).

So, unpaid whores, realize that once you take on the duties of a whore, you decrease your chances that a man would really consider you as a candidate for a housewife. As far as most men are concerned, a woman that he can meet at a club or take to dinner a couple of times and talk into having sex is not the same thing as a wife.

Ever heard the term “booty call”?

So get your money up front…and don’t call when you get pregnant…

Either that, or keep your legs closed…(the REAL solution is to stay a virgin and become a housewife)…

Now, for all you young girls; nobody in your high school sex education class is going to tell you this. They are going to try to fill you full of bull about having sex whenever you “feel ready”.But girls that “feel ready” before their wedding night are actually whores……

And that boy that wants to have sex with you doesn’t love you, regardless of that which he says.

As far as an unmarried young man is concerned, his “love” for you will last about as long as the sex act itself, and then it’s back to basketball and video games. He knows that he has plenty of time to fall in love witha REAL woman when he is older, and he is too busy playing around now to settle down…..

Don’t believe me? Tell him that you won’t have sex until your wedding night, and see how much “love” he is in.

Now, stop me when I start lying……

Hebrews 13:4

4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

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3 Responses for "Booty Call"

  1. Pastor Darryl Curtis April 29th, 2011 at 5:18 am

    Well, Arlene, while I appreciate your point, let me say that, of course, this is only half of the story. This is the half that I’m telling. The article was not meant to be comprehensive, nor was it meant to be the encyclopedia.

    The point of this article is to communicate to young girls how stupid it is to have the expectation that whorish behavior will work out well. I think I achieved my objective.

    I don’t think that anyone misunderstood my point. And whether or not a young man uses the services of a whore, it is stupid for a woman to be one.

    And my other point is that it will not help women to try to displace the responsibility for their whorish behavior onto men. Never try to make people feel better about bad behavior by making their own bad behavior someone else’s fault or responsibility.

    This article is addressed to the one responsible for being a whore. And it’s not a young boy…..

  2. daigoume April 22nd, 2011 at 10:19 pm

    Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!

  3. Arlene April 21st, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    Really? While there is a lot of truth here, it’s only half the story. No matter what the reason that leads a young girl to sleep with a young man, the child is still his and God does not turn a blind eye to those who do not provide for their own. (1 Timothy 5:8)

    Young boys need to be taught this lesson too. Purity is commanded from both the man and the woman. The man is not the only one who should be able to expect a virgin at the alter. If you look at it from the flip side..any guy who will lay with a “whore” will lay with anyone and is just as defiled as she is. How can a marriage bed be pure if the man is not pure when he enters also. Marriage should be honored by all, that includes single men as well as single women.

    When God warns about fornication, He does not assign either sex as sole watch over such things…both are expected to obey and neither will have excuse. Eph 5:3

    As far as prostitutes, yes they have been around a long time and men have been utilizing their services for a long time, however your lack of condemnation for the young man who uses such services is a disservice. God never has condoned the use of prostitutes or the act of being a prostitute. Both are equally sinful in His eyes. Don’t focus solely on the prostitute, the “john” needs a bit of light too.

    While I did not see an outright lie in your writing I did see some serious one sidedness which can lead to misunderstanding. Tell the whole story and make the lesson clear and beneficial to all who read it.

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